Christmas 2009

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas, 2010 - borrowed photos

These four pictures were taken on Christmas Eve, after the Pauls arrived. Lanie, DanMan, Kate, Maddy, and I were outside waiting for them to get here. All of us ran up to the car on the passenger's side so we could sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY as Peaches climbed out!

Here are pictures of Maddy with the cousin one down from her in age, Lucy, and the cousin one up from her, Kate!

Lucy had just been sure that there would be snow for Christmas; it is supposed to be automatic! She had even packed her white blanket "for it to match with the snow". Tom decided that a HUGE leaf pile would be the perfect distraction. He and DanMan raked and raked. The pile has seen some pretty rough use by the time the Pauls arrived and the photography began so it doesn't seem so huge in this picture but it was still lots of fun!

Hannah opted out of leaf jumping to snuggle with Hattie!

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