Christmas 2009

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Visit to Hawaii, Volume 1, Chapter 2

My last entry had photos from our visit to the Pacific Aviation Museum. The main building was devoted to World War II. A newly opened separate hanger houses planes used in other military action in the Pacific. Tommy got a little emotional when he came upon the B-52. As an Electronic Warfare officer in the Strategic Air Command, he spent many hours of his life in planes just like this one. He never was on the ground in Viet Nam but he served three TDY tours (one in Thailand and two on Guam) and flew 93 missions over Viet Nam.

During the Viet Nam War, my dad was transferred to Hawaii and was the Secretariat of CINCPAC. (Commander in Chief PACific). Admiral John McCain was the commander and Daddy was the liason between him and all the branches of the service active in the conflict. Admiral McCain's son, also John, was a Navy pilot, who was shot down and taken as a prisioner of war. On Robins AFB, where we lived most of the time Tom was in the USAF, we had a chance to buy a POW bracelet for a dollar, I think it was, and, because my dad knew his dad, I chose one bearing the name JOHN MCCAIN. I wore that bracelet until I saw him carried from the plane at Andrews AFB when the POWs were finally released. He was the only POW who had to be on a stretcher to deplane. He was subjected to even harsher treatment that the other prisioners because of his father's position.
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