Christmas 2009

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy 16th birthday, Hannah, and Lucy as Annie

Yesterday was a BIG day! My precious Hannah Banana turned 16 and my precious Lucy was in her very first dance recital!

Lucy's class danced to TOMORROW from ANNIE. She did an excellent job - no stage fright at Robinson Auditorium! Both Jenny and I cried a good bit as she was finishing. Jenny is my dancer. I am not being biased one bit when I say that she is very talented. Dancing was such a large part of her childhood and youth; she even managed to take a dance class while she was in medical school. To have her little girl begin dance, and so obviously enjoy it, has made my Peach very happy! Lucy's dance was the second one in the recital and we all thought she would be ready to bail as soon as she finished; not so, she sat mesmerized watching number after number, when she was through. We grown-ups had to say it was time to leave. I took this picture on my phone on the way out of the auditorium. I decided this is what Grace Kelly would have looked like if she had modeled an ANNIE costume as a child.

I don't have any pictures from Hannah's birthday but I need to tell about her huge surprise present! Tanya got the idea a few weeks ago to take Hannah to New York City to a Broadway play as a 16th birthday gift. First choice of a play would be Phantom of the Opera because Hannah absolutely loves that musical! Well, things have fallen into place and the two girls will head out on June 11. Hannah knew nothing of the plan until after ten last night. I still don't have all the details of the delivery of the news but I understand it was very exciting.

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