Christmas 2009

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Busy making things

Well, fiddle!!! I just learned something important! I thought that, inside a blog entry, photos would be entered in descending order - just like lines of copy. I intended for Tommy and DanMan to be above the baby stuff picture not below! Anyway, here are the items I made for an auction at Lucy's school. Jenny ended up being in charge of the class donation and I offered to make some things. Shown above are a blanket, sweater, bib, and wash cloth.
Ever since we moved to the country, Tommy has taken great pleasure in our bird neighbors. We have multiple, multiple bird feeders and he is faithful about keeping them full. Recently, he decided that we needed more birdhouses to attract more birds so he and DanMan got busy making some. Saturday he hung one on a sweetgum tree. He started to walk away, turned to look back at the birdhouse when he was about fifteen yards away - and saw a little chickadee fly into it!

Baby Hattie gave us a scare last week. We were afraid she wanted to share Uncle Stephen's March 1st birthday! Jenny was in the hospital for several hours but the doctors were able to stop her contractions. Due day is not until mid-April so we are all relieved that Hattie agreed to wait. Jenny will be 35 weeks tomorrow.

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