Christmas 2009

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I should be cleaning house...

I think I will compose this journal entry in fits and spurts today as I take housecleaning breaks. This Saturday is the wedding at The Johnson Wedding Chapel. The new cleaning lady has us in pretty good shape if I can just hide all my stuff! As usual, I have about ten projects in the works and they are scattered all over! One of them is a baby blanket for the eagerly awaited grandson of our good friends from USAF days, Billy and Dianne Harrison. When I finish that item, I will probably post a photo. I am using what looks to be a very complicated pattern; it isn't really but it keeps me on my toes. Jenny's Lucy is a blanket collector - oh, wait - let me add a picture here...

Lucy was watching from the hallway as her mother got ready for a Halloween party. Looks like the procedure was pretty boring but, thanks to an ever-present blanket, she was able to make herself comfortable! (I am very disappointed that the picture is posting so small. Oh, well!)
Anyway, Lucy is a blanket girl, especially liking a particular yarn (Baby Bernat Coordinates) and pattern. When I was making blankets for Hattie I decided not to make any like Lucy's favorites so that there would be no confusion or hurt feelings. I found another yarn that I loved (TLC Cotton Plus) and made Hattie's first blanket from it. Jenny declared that to be her favorite baby blanket EVER so I am duplicating that one in blue for Baby Fitzmaurice (Fitzmorris?). I just finished a pink blanket for another friend's granddaughter-to-be and have the yarn for a bib and washcloth to gift with it in a pile. Yarn for hats for Arkansas Children's Hospital is in another pile, another started blanket in another pile - well, you get the picture!
Tommy and I just got back from shopping to find the wedding planner and a friend busy decorating. If the weatherman will only cooperate, this will be a beautiful, beautiful wedding!
Tonight Tom and Jimmy are going to see Merle Haggard in concert here in ElDo. Tanya and I will go watch Hannah in a skit at the Junior Service League style show. We have no ticket for DanMan for the concert and he sure doesn't want to go to a style show; hope he is welcome at Zach's for just a little while!

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