Christmas 2009

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pulaski Heights Elementary playground

On Wednesday, March 23, Hannah, DanMan, and I drove to Little Rock. We made connections with the Fussell girls (plus one - a friend of Lanie's, named Sophie) and Lucy. All of us went to the playground at Lanie's school. As you can see, Powder joined us too.

DanMan had girls chasing him from almost the minute we arrived until the minute we left.

It was a fun afternoon. We were sorry Maddy wasn't running and playing with us but we knew she was having even more fun that we were because she was in Hawaii. Hattie would just have been jealous of the big kids because her mean old Nannah would have made her stay in the stroller.

Hannah played hard but took a minute to pose for me.

Kate and Powder decided to take a break in a shady spot under a slide.

This entry, plus the next two, had something strange happen. All my pictures disappeared - but the text remained. When I reloaded the pictures, they were in a different order than last time. I rearranged the text but things don't flow as smoothly as they did originally. GRRR!!!

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