Christmas 2009

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beverly Hillbillies!

Of course, neither boy knew what I was talking about when I posed them like the Beverly Hillbillies! I need to educate DanMan, and his sister and his cousins, about that classic TV show. Every year Santa brings DanMan a season's worth of Andy Griffith on DVD and Hannah gets a set of Dick Van Dyke. The Beverly Hillbillies doesn't quite rank up there with those two shows but, still, my grandkids need to be acquainted with the series. Most of the time, it was very clever.

Tom's old recliner had lived a full life and was ready to be disposed of. (If you look closely, you can see the huge rip in the back with the stuffing spilling out!) Tom invited DanMan and his friend, Zachary Morgan, to go to the dump with him. I promise they did not ride in the back like Granny Clampett but I couldn't resist taking their picture in the battered old chair, surrounded by junk!
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